Lamm Calls For Action On Stem Cells

Date: May 31, 2006
Location: Arvada, CO

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lamm Calls For Action On Stem Cells

Criticizes Republican Obstruction of Life-Saving Research

Arvada, CO - Peggy Lamm, candidate for Colorado's 7th Congressional District, today called on Congress to expand federal funding for crucial stem cell research and to increase the number of stem cell lines currently eligible for such research.

"The biggest obstacle to furthering stem cell research and potentially life-saving cures to terrible diseases is a Republican Congress and an Administration that is beholden to the extremists in their party," said Lamm. "A majority of Americans recognize that stem cell research is a vital step in the development of lifesaving medical treatments."

The only thing blocking that research is President Bush and the Republican Congress.

An expansion of stem cell research is important because the current policy is outdated and creates arbitrary obstacles to important medical advancements. The current Bush policy on the number of stem cell lines available for research prevents work on curing dozens of diseases and limits the number of people who could be helped by expanded research. US scientists and researchers are in jeopardy of falling behind other nations if our policy is not expanded.

Unfortunately, Rubberstamp Rick O'Donnell offers just more of the extremist status quo.

In a 2002 Rocky Mountain News questionnaire, O'Donnell stated that he would not support the expansion of stem cell research beyond the limitations set by President Bush.

In contrast, Lamm strongly supports the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, legislation authored by fellow Coloradan, Representative Diana DeGette. Rep DeGette's bill would lift the current ban on expanding stem cell research, bringing us closer to finding cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Juvenile Diabetes.

"I'm proud to support Rep. DeGette's stem cell legislation," said Lamm. "I think it's time to say ‘enough is enough' to extremists and ideologues who block scientific research that could save lives."
